Bridging the gap between
quantum computing and quantum communications
The QUANTUM research group is devoted to exploring the relation between computer networks and the emerging quantum computing and communication technologies. This goes both ways. On the one hand, the group seeks to reveal how classical and quantum communications can be integrated within quantum computing systems, down to the chip scale, to enable truly scalable quantum computing architectures. This is embodied in the multi-core and distributed quantum architecture concepts, where quantum processors are connected with quantum-coherent interconnection networks. In this context, our research focuses on both the development of such interconnection network as well as the complete multi-core/distributed quantum computing architecture. On the other hand, the group is also bound to explore the impact of quantum computing on conventional computer networks. Indeed, 6G networks are full of optimization problems (for handovers, resource allocation, etc.) that could be accelerated and greatly optimized thanks to quantum processors. In this context, we will explore how these processors will need to adapt and scale to match the demand of 6G network use cases, and also contribute in the definition of a quantum-ready 6G-and-beyond network architecture.

Eduard Alarcón
Group Leader
Prof. Eduard Alarcón is leading the QUANTUM group, putting his 25+ years of experience to the service of this new and exciting research avenue. Indeed, quantum computing and communications are exciting fields for N3Cat as they are deeply rooted in nanotechnology and they have disruptive implications on the way communications and computing have been done for the last decades. In this context, his vision is to bridge both worlds and to develop the concepts of multi-core and distributed quantum computing thanks to cross-disciplinary research across the stack (the double communications-computing full stack, as he likes to call it).
Scalable multi-Chip Quantum Architectures Enabled by Cryogenic Hybrid wireless/quantum-Coherent network-in-Package
E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, F. Sebastiano, M. Babaie, E. Charbon, P. Haring Bolívar, M. Palesi, E. Blokhina, D. Leipold, B. Staszewski, A. Garcia, and C. G. Almudever