Daniel Trujillo
Spring '24
Master Student
Daniel Trujillo
Spring '24
Master Student
At N3Cat I explore cost-effective solutions to the scalability problem of quantum processors, which are currently limited in the number of qubits that can be managed and I'm working at comparing strategies to move qubits around to enable the execution of more complex algorithms in these processors.

I'm a passionate software engineer evolving into a computer scientist, trying to look for the best way of designing and code computer programs. I have studied:
* Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering, University of Jaén, 2017
* Master's Degree in Data Science, University of Granada, 2020
* Master's Degree in Formal Methods in Computer Science, Complutense University of Madrid, Technical University of Madrid and Autonomous University of Madrid, 2023
* Master's Degree in Innovation and Research in Informatics, Technical University of Catalonia, currently enrolled.

And currently I'm a Research Engineer at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, where I have been developing tools that support research. Most notoriously:

* Maintenance and improvement of an information system for the assessment of climate-related data for the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast as part of the Copernicus project
* Development of new features in the Clang compiler and the LLVM compiler infraestructure projects to support the hardware platforms currently in development in Europe, like the EuPilot program, the European Processor Initiative and the RISER project

At N3Cat I explore cost-effective solutions to the scalability problem of quantum processors, which are currently limited in the number of qubits that can be managed and I'm working at comparing strategies to move qubits around to enable the execution of more complex algorithms in these processors.

I'm a passionate software engineer evolving into a computer scientist, trying to look for the best way of designing and code computer programs. I have studied:
* Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering, University of Jaén, 2017
* Master's Degree in Data Science, University of Granada, 2020
* Master's Degree in Formal Methods in Computer Science, Complutense University of Madrid, Technical University of Madrid and Autonomous University of Madrid, 2023
* Master's Degree in Innovation and Research in Informatics, Technical University of Catalonia, currently enrolled.

And currently I'm a Research Engineer at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, where I have been developing tools that support research. Most notoriously:

* Maintenance and improvement of an information system for the assessment of climate-related data for the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast as part of the Copernicus project
* Development of new features in the Clang compiler and the LLVM compiler infraestructure projects to support the hardware platforms currently in development in Europe, like the EuPilot program, the European Processor Initiative and the RISER project